New clean energy option for natural gas

As a focus on clean energy continues to grow at the national, regional and local levels, Avista is moving our clean energy strategy forward. Our customers and communities continue to express interest in how Avista is planning for the future and the long-term sustainability of our communities.

Last year Avista announced our aspirational goals to reduce natural gas emissions 30% by 2030 and to be carbon neutral in our natural gas operations by 2045. These goals built on the clean electricity goals we set in 2019.

Keeping costs affordable will continue to be central in how we move forward, and innovation and new technologies are necessary to achieve these goals. At the same time, we recognize the value of a diverse portfolio and energy mix today and in the future and that achieving these goals will require a multi-faceted approach.

Avista’s approach to reducing natural gas emissions includes investing in new technologies, like renewable natural gas (RNG), hydrogen and other renewable biofuels. While we continue to evaluate how to best integrate RNG into our gas supply portfolio and research hydrogen as another renewable fuel, we are also expanding our customer facing options.

Our Washington Natural gas customers can now elect to participate in our renewable natural gas program. Participation in the program allows customers to continue to receive all of the great benefits associated with natural gas, with the same level of reliability and a lower carbon footprint.

Learn more about our renewable natural gas program.

Learn more


  1. Natural Gas
  2. Renewable Energy
