At Home with Lisa: September is Emergency Preparedness Month

It happens every September—Emergency Preparedness Month. It’s the time of year when I look at my emergency supplies and think about what I need in case of a long-term power outage.

I have a list of items in my emergency kit that I check every year to make sure they are still fresh and operable. I put my kit together without spending a lot of money—some of the supplies I already had and I just needed a container to keep them all in one place:

This year, I added a first aid kit to my list of items. I got a big one with bandages, antacid, antiseptic wipes, gloves, tweezers and just about everything else we may need in an emergency. I keep the kit where I can get to it in the basement.

I’ve only experienced a couple of long-term power outages here in the Inland Northwest. When it does happen, I know where to look for information. Avista’s website has lot of information about what to do if you lose power. You should also watch this video.

I also downloaded the Avista app, which I found in Apple’s app store, and is also available for Android. You can find maps to see where outages are and how long they are expected to last. You can report power outages in the app, too.

I feel better knowing that I’m prepared, in case of an emergency or if the weather gets crazy this fall and winter.

Lisa, an Avista customer, bought her 1910 house because she loved the old-world character, some of which doesn’t make her house very energy efficient. Lisa is sharing her experience on taking some simple do-it-yourself improvements to inspire others to do the same. You’ll find her stories right here every Tuesday morning.

Read Avista's power outage planning to-do list.

Plan ahead


  1. At Home with Lisa
  2. Safety
