At Home with Lisa: Financial assistance for your bill

The bitter cold temperatures the last week of February reminded me that winter is not done with us yet.

After the cold weather started up again, I immediately turned up the heat in my house, reminding myself that it was going to increase my energy bill.

When I was younger, this could put me in a tough spot. A higher bill than expected would make me have to choose between bills and groceries.

If you find yourself in that position, there is help on Avista’s website.

First off, there is comfort-level billing, which calculates your average energy bill over a 12-month period, so you pay the same amount every month with no surprises. Find out how much you could pay a month.

You can also see if you qualify to make payment arrangements.

If you have a past-due balance, you may qualify for grants that are available through Sept. 30, 2022. There is help for Washington, Idaho and Oregon residents on Avista’s website. In Washington, the site will bring you to a page offering financial resources for categories such as unemployment insurance, mortgage assistance, student loan relief and utility assistance, among other bills.

Also, through SNAP, you can find assistance with home repairs and rental assistance.

Hopefully with some help, getting through these cold months can be a little easier for many.

Lisa, an Avista customer, bought her 1910 house because she loved the old-world character, some of which doesn’t make her house very energy efficient. Lisa is sharing her experience on taking some simple do-it-yourself improvements to inspire others to do the same. You’ll find her stories right here every Tuesday morning.

Looking for energy bill assistance? We want to help.

Learn more


  1. At Home with Lisa
