At Home with Lisa: Ready for winter?

Now that school is back in session and the days are starting to get shorter, I know that fall and winter are just around the corner. While lots of my friends went back-to-school shopping, I thought about my back to winter needs.

I want to make sure that my windows stay nice and sealed this winter, so drafts don’t get in through the cracks. The first item on my list is some rope caulk to put into the spaces between the pane and the sill. I can find this at the hardware store for around $5 or $6.

I love having a window in every room in my house. For some of my larger windows, I’m going to need window plastic. Window plastic works wonders in the winter. Not only does it keep out the drafts, but the sun heats the air between the plastic and the window, helping to heat my house. I went to Avista’s Energy Fair a couple of years ago and learned that if you get a roll of painter’s tape, you can stick the plastic adhesive to the tape, rather than ruin the paint on your walls. You can find window plastic at the hardware store from $5 to $40, depending on how much you need.

And before I turn them on, I’m going to have to vacuum my baseboard heaters again. I do this every year for two reasons: dust and pet fur. Both tend to collect in the baseboard coils and when you turn on the heaters for the first time the house smells like it’s burning. Plus, like every other appliance, if the coils are dirty, they must work harder to heat up, and that means they use more energy.

You can find lots of energy-saving tips for this winter online. What is the first project you are going to tackle this winter?

Lisa, an Avista customer, bought her 1910 house because she loved the old-world character, some of which doesn’t make her house very energy efficient. Lisa is sharing her experience on making some simple do-it-yourself improvements to inspire others to do the same. You’ll find her stories right here every Tuesday morning.

Learn how to save energy at home.

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  1. At Home with Lisa
  2. Winter
  3. Energy Saving
