We're doing more to protect against wildfires
Update your contact information
Be sure Avista has your current contact information so we can reach you concerning potential outages. To update your information, visit myavista.com/profile or call us at (800) 227-9187.

Wildfire Videos
Watch this video series to learn how Avista is fighting wildfires before they begin.

Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS)
The risk of wildfires is increasing in our region. Learn more about our Public Safety Power Shutoff plans and how you can be prepared for power outages.

Outage Map
Outage updates and restoration times, when available, will be shown on Avista’s outage map.

Wildfire Resiliency Plan
Wildfire Resiliency Plan is focused on strengthening our system and reducing the potential of wildfire in our communities.

Vegetation Management
View Avista's Vegetation Management and Safe Tree Program.