Lighting tips to lower your energy use
The light bulbs you use in your home could impact how much energy you use. Learn more about using the right lighting to start saving energy today!
Spending Time Around Coeur d'Alene Lake in Idaho
See all that Coeur d’Alene Lake has to offer by following our guide to visiting the lake. Read about the top attractions here!
It's hot outside
It’s hot outside. Give your air conditioner a break and learn how to save during summer.
Post Falls HED North Channel Dam Rehabilitation
Saving energy and helping kids
Idaho Electric Rates and Tariffs
Find everything you need to know about electric rates and tariffs in Idaho including rate adjustments and price. Read more here.
Local Treasures with Pia: Fresh Soul Restaurant serves more than food
The Fresh Soul Restaurant located on East Fifth Avenue serves up delicious, traditional southern cooking and job training skills for neighborhood youth. Learn more about the restaurant and Spokane East Side Reunion here.
Don't get scammed
Scammers target utility customers via phone or in-person scams. Keep an eye out for these signs of a potential scammer.
A steady presence caring for kids
Happy Horizons Childcare is a daycare non-profit in Moscow, Idaho that support parents who are essential workers. Learn about their efforts and how Avista helps here.
When in doubt, give us a shout
We don't want you to fall victim to an electricity scam and are here to keep you safe. Learn how to avoid a scam and what to do when a scammer calls.
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