Washington - Rate Requests
Find information on Electric and Natural Gas tariffs, rate schedule, prices and rate history.
- Schedule 58 - WA Tax Adjustment - Liberty Lake (August 30, 2024)
- Schedule 59 - Residential Exchange Program (August 30, 2024
- Schedule 64 - Clean Energy Implementation Plan (August 30, 2024)
- Schedule 66 - Insurance Expense Balancing (August 30, 2024)
- Schedule 88 - Wildfire Expense Balancing (August 30, 2024
- Schedule 92 - Low Income Rate Assistance (August 30, 2024)
- Schedule 150 and 155 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (August 30, 2024)
- Schedule 158 - WA Tax Adjustment (Liberty Lake) (August 26, 2024)
- Schedule 163 - Climate Commitment Act (August 30, 2024)
- Schedule 166 - Insurance Expense Balancing (August 30, 2024)
- Schedule 192 - Low Income Rate Assistance (August 30, 2024)
Avista files multi-year rate plan in Washington
Overview of the filing:
Two-Year Rate Plan
If approved, the electric general rate request is designed to increase annual revenue by $77.1 million (or 12.6% on a billed basis) effective in December 2024, and $53.7 million (or 7.8% on billed revenue basis) effective in December 2025.
If approved, the natural gas general rate request is designed to increase annual base revenue by $17.3 million (or 6.3% on a billed basis) effective in December 2024, and $4.6 million (or 1.6% on a billed basis) effective in December 2025.
The electric and natural gas requests are based on a proposed rate of return of 7.61%, with a common equity ratio of 48.5%, and a 10.4% return on equity.
Where: All electric and natural gas customers in WA.
When will customer bills see the change: If approved, new rates would be effective in Dec. 2024 and Dec. 2025.
Background for this filing: On Jan 17, 2024, filed a multi-year rate plan with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC or Commission) that, if approved, would allow the Company to recover increased operating and maintenance costs and ongoing investments to infrastructure, technology and more. If approved, new rates would be effective in Dec. 2024 and Dec. 2025.
Residential customer bills: The actual percentage increase for electric and natural gas customers will vary by customer class and depend on how much energy a customer uses.
Effective Dec. 2024: Residential electric customers in Washington using an average of 945 kWhs per month could expect to see a total billed increase of 13.3%, or $12.94 for a revised monthly bill of $110.20. The monthly increase includes a proposed $6.00 per month increase in the basic charge to a level of $15.00 per month.
Effective Dec. 2025: Residential electric customers in Washington using an average of 945 kWhs per month could expect to see a total billed increase of 6.2%, or $6.87 for a revised monthly bill of $117.07 from $110.20. The monthly increase includes a proposed $5.00 per month increase in the basic charge to a level of $20.00 per month.
Natural Gas
Effective Dec. 2024: Residential natural gas customers in Washington using an average of 66 therms per month could expect to see a total billed increase of 6.7%, or $6.36 for a revised monthly bill of $101.22. The monthly increase includes a proposed $5.50 per month increase in the basic charge to a level of $15.00 per month.
Effective Dec. 2025: Residential natural gas customers using an average of 66 therms per month could expect to see a total billed increase of 2.0%, or $2.04 for a revised monthly bill of $103.26 from $101.22. The proposed monthly increase includes a proposed $5.00 per month increase in the basic charge to a level of $20.00 a month, offset by a decrease in the volumetric, per-therm rate resulting in the $2.04 monthly increase.
The requested electric increase by service schedule is as follows:
Rate Schedule |
Dec. 2024 Billing Increase |
Dec. 2025 Billing Increase |
Residential Service - Schedule 1 |
13.8% |
6.7% |
General Service - Schedules 11/12 |
11.8% | 8.8% |
General Service Schedule - Transportation 13 |
11.8% | 8.7% |
Large General Service - Schedules 21/22 |
11.7% |
8.7% |
Large General Service - Transportation 23 |
12.1% |
9.4% |
Extra Large General Service - Schedule 25 |
11.7% |
9.6% |
Extra Large Special Contract |
11.4% |
9.4% |
Pumping Service - Schedules 31/32 |
11.8% |
5.9% |
Street & Area Lights - Schedules 42-48 |
11.9% |
6.2% |
Total |
12.6% |
7.8% |
The requested natural gas increase by service schedule is as follows:
Rate Schedule |
Dec. 2024 Billing Increase |
Dec. 2025 Billing Increase |
General Service Schedule 101 |
6.9% |
1.7% |
Large General Service Schedules 111/112/116 |
4.5% |
1.1% |
Interrupt. Sales Service Schedules 131/132 |
5.2% |
1.3% |
Transportation Service Schedule 146 |
14.3% |
3.3% |
Total |
6.3% |
1.6% |